
There are no joined users.
Adam (13d 1h)
Fred (4d)
Harold (1d 12h)
carle (12d 14h)
naufal (6d 10h)

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Information [Close]
  • /me message - self message
  • /ignore user - Ignores a user
  • /unignore user - Unignores user
  • /pm user message - Sends a private message to user
(Replace "user" by the name of the user)
Input Auto Completers
  • TAB - Hit tab while writing a user name to auto-complete
  • PM - Click a user name in posts to auto complete the private message command
User References
Add the prefix "@" to a user name to create a reference, the respective user will see it highlighted in the message.
Example: @Mary -> Mary (Names are case sensitive)
Event Messages
  • Event messages are room independent (Users get them, no matter where they are)
  • Event messages are temporary, after some seconds, the event buffer is reset.
  • Changing the topic on a private conversation room only sends an event message to the other participant
  • Changing the topic on a public room sends the event to all users
  • Changing the topic on a private room sends the event to all users with read access to that room
  • To initiate a conversation, simply click the user name (joining the chat is mandatory). (You will be asked for a confirmation, after that, the conversation starts automatically)
  • Users are notified of new conversations through a new message icon above the avatar.
  • To respond to a conversation, simple click the icon above the avatar or the user name.
  • Users which have initiated conversations will always display the message icon above the avatar (Unless they are currently in conversation)
  • Conversations work like normal rooms, the only difference is the privacy.
  • Rooms are containers to hold messages of a certain topic, not user containers.
  • The user list is room independent.
  • Rooms which read permission is higher than the current user's group are invisible (not listed).
  • When a room is deleted/renamed, all users visiting it are moved to the default room (except the moderator who deleted/renamed).
  • The default room cannot be deleted.
  • When a user visits a room, his/her arrival is not announced, only new chat visits are announced.
Chat Messages
  • To post a message, a user needs to be logged in and joined
  • Posted messages can be hidden either by users/moderators (self only: cookie) or moderators under edit mode (global hide)
  • A message that is hidden (either locally or globally) cannot be edited
  • Archived messages are read-only.
  • Globally hiding a message takes immediate effect on other users, while un-hiding only takes effect on user's next visit to the room
  • When a message is edited, the other users receive a note on top of the message with a reload link.
  • To write a multi-line message, turn on multi-line mode (Toolbar), write the message, go back to single line mode and submit.
  • If you need a bigger input box to write your message, simply drag its right corner down.
Archival; Read/Write Buffers
  • By Default, all messages that drop from store buffer are stored in separate archives.
  • The archived messages are available for users to load.
  • The read buffer prevents the screen from going over 100 messages by default (When loading older messages there's no limit for the number of messages displayed on the screen)
  • The store buffer is used to store the most recent messages (Up to 500 messages by default, if archival is not enabled, all messages that drop from this buffer will be lost)
  • By cleaning the screen, a new initial read point is created (and loading will always start from there, unless you undo the operation)
User Types
  • Guest
    • In terms of listing - Users listed as guests are users that chose a name, but never joined the chat.
    • In terms of UserGroup - Users that didn't choose a name, or are yet to provide a valid password.
  • User - All users that chose a name and have access to that profile (password protected or not).
  • Certified User - Users that have a password protected profile.
  • Moderator - User that have access to moderator tools, manually set by the master moderator.
  • Master Moderator - First user to login with a password. (founder)
  • - Archived Message (Read-only)
  • - Hides a message (Hides for all users if user is a moderator under edit mode)
  • - Un-Hides a message (Won't work if the message was globally hidden by a moderator)
  • - Item is an uploaded attachment
  • - User is ignored (cookie)
  • - User has been muted by a moderator
  • - Room/Conversation has new messages
  • - Room/Conversation does not have new messages
  • - User is a moderator
  • - Toolbar: Information
  • - Toolbar: Clear Screen
  • - Toolbar: Toggle Timestamps
  • - Toolbar: Global Settings
  • - ToolBar: Edit Mode
  • - ToolBar: Single Line Input Mode (Enter = Submit, default, to write short posts)
  • - ToolBar: Multi Line Input Mode (Enter = New line, to write long posts with line breaks, after writing, return to single line mode in order to submit, affects both main input and message edit boxes)
  • - User webpage link
  • - Profile Tools: Settings
  • - BBcode: Text style
  • - BBcode: Images without extention
  • - BBcode: Url with description/linked image
  • - BBcode: Attachment Uploads
  • - Profile "available" status (green bar above user avatar)
  • - Profile "do not disturb" status (red bar above user avatar; Under this mode user will not accept conversations / private messages)
  • While loading older messages, one block contains less messages than the others, this is normal, it means the end of the archive has been reached, if more archives exist, the loading can continue.
  • No new messages on an updated room: the activity was from a user being ignored
  • Types of Private objects:
    1. /pm: Quick messages sent to a specific user on a specific room.
    2. Private Conversation room: Private room dedicated to a conversation between two users (just like the normal rooms, but with privacy, both participants can change the topic).
    3. Private Room: Room restrict to a certain user group (Read/Write)
  • Actions such as profile edition, user moderation, topic update, room management, global settings edition, room switch and message reading do not require the user to join the chat.
  • By joining, a user is granted access to text message box, uploads and can initiate private conversations.
  • When a user logs in to a password protected profile (not in use), the profile statistics do not update unless a correct password is supplied.
  • Uploading attachments generates a BBcode tag which that can be used in the input text box next to other text
  • Offline users idle time refers to the last known chat ping.
Guest | Choose a name to use in chat. {SMILIES} [x]
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